The gO! Running Group is a Roseville based recreational running group that aims to provide group running opportunities for runners of all abilities. Although our focus is primarily on 5K to marathons, we have members who have completed triathlons (including Ironman events) and ultras. We train on both roads and trails. We currently meet three times per week - Sunday mornings and Tuesday/Thursday evenings.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tough Mudder

A few of us have decided to give the Tough Mudder a try! We are doing the Lake Tahoe event on Sunday, Sep. 23! Mark has created a team in which we get a discount based on number of folks on the team. Prices go up TONIGHT, so sign up now if interested!!
Team Name: Tahoe Mudders
Password: tm2012
gO! Running Group,

After 5 successful years Miner's Ravine has decided to come to a close.

Due to trail construction that is projected to close the Miner's Ravine trail this fall for a few months and personal schedules that will prevent us from being able to really commit to the event, we felt it was best to call it quits.

We want to thank you for helping Miner's raise awareness of autism.  We are thrilled to have been able to raise $13k for the UC Davis MIND Institute during the last couple years to support research, services, and programs for autism.

Miner's has surpassed our original goals and we are so happy that it has touched so many people.

Thanks again for your support last few years! We could have never done it without the gO! Group being so involved as volunteers, participants, and supporters!!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's official! 
The Tiger Mile 
May 12, 8:00am - 11:00am! 
Roseville High School
Race day registration is available. Registration closes 20 minutes prior to the start time for the event.
Mother's Mile (in honor of Mother's Day May 13)- 8:00 am start time
Kids Mile - 13 and under - 8:20 am start time
RHS Alumni Mile - 8:40 am start time (in honor of RHS 100th year)
Kids 1/2 Mile - 10 and under - 9:00 am start time
Club Men's Mile - 9:20 am start time (please wear club shirt)
Club Women's Mile - 9:40 am start time (please wear club shirt)
Open Mile - 10:00 am start time
The cost is $5 per runner per event - which goes directly to the RHS Cross Country team for summer camp and out of town events like Mt SAC during the season. Also, you can run more than one mile.
Not interested in running?  You can help in lots of other ways:  1) we need volunteers to work in the snackbar, finish line, announcing booth, timing, and registration booth 2)  we need snack bar items donated like gatorade, water, granola bars, fresh fruit, muffins, bagels, Clif bars, etc.  3)  we need 21 little prize donations like $5 gift cards to Jamba/Starbucks, have a drawing for the entrants of each race 4)  we need spectators to cheer on the runners.
Also, please invite others!
This is going to be so much fun!!
Lisa Vaccaro  RHSXC

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Upcoming Events

Be there!
  • May 6- 3rd Annual gO! 10K, 8am, Location TBD- "Official" 10K course with overall male/female and age-division awards! Official timing and splits done by J.A.G. Timing Company. FREE to all gO! Members and family!
  • May 12- Tiger Mile, Roseville High School. A gO! Invasion is needed to support the Roseville High School Cross Country team. Times TBA, but there will be separate 1 mile races for several divisions. $5 per person.
  • May 20- "Save Anne's Job" Fund Run-  Two gO! Invasions in two weeks, it does not get any better than that!! Let's sweep the podium!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Congrats Joe!

Congrats to Joe for completing his first (of probably many) Boston Marathon yesterday!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

gO! Advocates Starts Tomorrow!

Members of the gO! Group, please welcome gO! Advocates to our family!
We are so glad you have made the commitment to train and race the Santa Rosa 5K, Half-Marathon, or Marathon with us! Our goal is to help you become more fit, and make the next 19 weeks as educational, inspirational and fun as possible for you. The training programs are a slow, steady progression and should be achievable for EVERYONE
If at any time the run distance seems too long, you can slow down and modify the workout to allow your muscles to recover. It is so important not to overdo the running if your body is not ready. You will still be covering the distance prescribed, and will be able to finish your goal race successfully. Try to increase back up to the prescribed distance at your next workout, if it still seems too difficult please let your mentor coaches know and they will adjust your schedule accordingly.
When you are running, it is important that you run at YOUR pace- not the pace your sister or neighbor runs at. The pace should be comfortable enough to talk (but you should not be able to sing!). Running too fast will not only feel horrible, but it will cause excessive fatigue to your muscles. As the length of your run distance increases you may need to slow down. If your run pace slows down significantly from the beginning of your run to the end of your run, then you are either running too long or too fast. Please ask your coaches for guidance.
As you will see in your training plan you will have 4 days of running. It is highly recommended that you commit to these 4 days of running. To truly reap the benefits of the program (and to improve your endurance) your body needs this consistency. Ideally it is best to spread out your run days as planned, but if you need to change your schedule occasionally that is fine.
Logistics and Details
gO! Advocates 1stTraining Run
8am Sunday April 15th
Sculpture Park
336 North Sunrise Avenue
Roseville, CA
All communications regarding the training aspects of gO! Advocates will take place through this blog. I posted the 19 week half marathon and marathon training plans for you to view and/or print. They are located to the right, just click on whichever one you will be participating in. You will also find the running schedule and locations on the calendar at the bottom of the blog. Please get in the habit of checking this blog weekly, if not daily for news, notes, running tips, advice, motivational fun, etc.! There will also be consistent email updates, but please use the blog as your source for gO! info! Also, keep in mind this is obviously the site for all gO! Running Group communications as well, so be sure to look for the "gO! Advocates" specific posts!
You may also email any of the coaches and/or mentor coaches for individual advice or tips at:
· Coach Josh Errecart-
· Coaches Gary & Anne Casagrande-
What to wear? (not all necessary, but good to have)
· Appropriate footwear –the right shoes are critical! We will discuss this at length at the first few meetings. Stop in Fleet Feet for some GREAT advice in shoe wear!
· Light layered technical fabric clothing (check the weather)
§ Socks
§ Shirts - short sleeve/tank (warm weather)
- long sleeve (cool/cold weather)
§ Shorts or tights
§ Vest or light jacket
§ Sports bra – properly fitted!
· Watch - stop watch or with interval timer
What you must have?
· Water bottle pack and water or sports drink
· Energy replacement gels/food (you will most likely leave this stuff in your car, but you will want it on hand after your run)
What you might need or want?
· Heart Rate Monitor – if you choose to use one
· Body Glide for chafing
· Sunglasses
· Sunscreen – apply one hour prior to workout
· Reflective gear in the evening
· Headlamp, reflectors or flash light for the evenings
· Towel
· Change of clothes
What we will provide:
· Coaching on the course
· Bathrooms at most training locations
· Technical Shirt
· Various Seminars
· Written workout schedule
· Weekly emails/blog posts
Check In/Out Policy
§ All training participants are asked to check in and check out of practice in order to ensure your safety. The check in/check out process is very simple.
§ After the "whole group" talk before each run you will gather with your assigned mentor runner in designated area. You will be checked in by them. (we will not form running groups and/or assign mentors until we have run a few times and evaluated each of you)
§ When you return from the workout you must check yourself out with your mentor runner.
Once again welcome to the gO! Advocates training program. We are so excited to help you achieve your goals and help you raise money for a great cause!!
See you tomorrow!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

gO!-ing to Boston

Come wish Joe good luck as we send him off to the Boston Marathon! RSVP on the "Who's Running Where" page.

Friday 4/13 at 7:30 PM
250 North Harding
Roseville, CA

Sunday, April 8, 2012

gO!-ing To Boston

Come wish Joe good luck as we send him off to the Boston Marathon! RSVP on the "Who's Racing Where" page.

Friday 4/13, 7pm
Outback Steakhouse, 181 N. Sunrise Ave., Roseville, CA 95661

gO! 50!

We trained, we conquered!
Great job to all of the gO! Runners who participated at yesterday's American River 50! It was an amazing day to be part of gO! We had racers, pacers, support crew, cheer leaders, bbq'ers, and pot luck organizers that made the day just perfect! Congrats to all!!!!
Check out the GREAT video Tim made for the group...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Come cheer on our gO! Ultra team!!!

We have posted a Potluck Sign-up sheet on the “Who’s Racing Here” link on our blog. It’s a Burger Bar theme. Please list a description of the item that you are bringing so that we can try to avoid duplicates.

There are a couple of options for getting your food to me (Melissa). Non-perishable items can be given to me on Thursday nights run. I will be available on Friday night to pick up any items from you. Items can be dropped off at my mom’s house on Saturday before noon. (email me and I’ll give you her address) She lives at the intersection of Old Auburn and Sierra College. Or you can drop them at the gO! tent at the finish line. Feel free to email me to coordinate

Lastly, Josh made a tentative schedule of where different paced runners should be at different times. It really helped Anne and I track the runners at the HK50. I can email the excel spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.

Hope to see you all on Saturday…and good luck ultra runners!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

gO! Advocates

You are invited to the gO! Advocates official kick-off party next week, where we will officially begin the adventure of training for a half or full marathon together. Whoot whoot!

What: gO! Advocates Team Kick-Off Party

When: Thursday April 5th from 5 to 7pm

Where: Granite Bay, CA


At the party you can expect to learn more about our team, the training plan and our goals. We will also be ready to help you set up your Razoo page, if you haven't done so by then.

We will have plenty of food and drinks so come hungry and thirsty.

If you have any friends interested in joining our team please bring them with you.

Please email your RSVP. Nick will reply with the address and gate code, we look forward to seeing you there!



Child Advocates:

gO! Advocates Team:

Sample Personal Page: