The gO! Running Group is a Roseville based recreational running group that aims to provide group running opportunities for runners of all abilities. Although our focus is primarily on 5K to marathons, we have members who have completed triathlons (including Ironman events) and ultras. We train on both roads and trails. We currently meet three times per week - Sunday mornings and Tuesday/Thursday evenings.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's official! 
The Tiger Mile 
May 12, 8:00am - 11:00am! 
Roseville High School
Race day registration is available. Registration closes 20 minutes prior to the start time for the event.
Mother's Mile (in honor of Mother's Day May 13)- 8:00 am start time
Kids Mile - 13 and under - 8:20 am start time
RHS Alumni Mile - 8:40 am start time (in honor of RHS 100th year)
Kids 1/2 Mile - 10 and under - 9:00 am start time
Club Men's Mile - 9:20 am start time (please wear club shirt)
Club Women's Mile - 9:40 am start time (please wear club shirt)
Open Mile - 10:00 am start time
The cost is $5 per runner per event - which goes directly to the RHS Cross Country team for summer camp and out of town events like Mt SAC during the season. Also, you can run more than one mile.
Not interested in running?  You can help in lots of other ways:  1) we need volunteers to work in the snackbar, finish line, announcing booth, timing, and registration booth 2)  we need snack bar items donated like gatorade, water, granola bars, fresh fruit, muffins, bagels, Clif bars, etc.  3)  we need 21 little prize donations like $5 gift cards to Jamba/Starbucks, have a drawing for the entrants of each race 4)  we need spectators to cheer on the runners.
Also, please invite others!
This is going to be so much fun!!
Lisa Vaccaro  RHSXC

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