- She has logged her gO! miles for 1195 days.
- She averaged 4.2 miles/day for 3 years, 3 months and 7 days.
- If she drove 60mph, it would take over 83 hours to drive the 5000 miles.
- It's over 190 marathons.
- Running non-stop at a 10 min./mile pace, it would still take 34 days, 17 hours to complete the 5,000 miles.
- If she were to have replaced her shoes every 300-400 miles (as recommended), and pay an average of $100 per pair of shoes, she would have spent over $1400 is running shoes alone.
- If she averaged two gO! runs per week for the 170 weeks, she would have listened to an estimated 57 hours of Josh talking before runs (based on an average 10 minute talk per run)!
- In 5000 miles, she could have run to Pittsburgh and back!
cool facts and cool stuff -- alena